Something Old

Unsure of what to have for your something old.

Here in the design studio, we are big on minimal wastage and we love to reuse and revamp old loved items.

We take unwanted denim or leather jackets and customise them to have your dream wedding day jacket.

With a multitude of pre made jackets available in all different sizes, to completely customisable orders, we are hear to create your something old.

Make yourself stand out.

Head over to our bridal shop, to see if you can find your dream wedding jacket today.

Nothing there that fits your style, then email me directly so we can start to plan your bespoke design.

Brides and their Jackets

Garments are more than the fabric they’re made from. They become a way we remember people.

Sewing items from these garments bring a unique way to remember milestones and those that play(ed) an important role in our lives